Unbox The Podcast: Live Your best Life with Sahar
Sahar is a Personal Mentor & Life Path Guide, author, Life Coach columnist, & Holistic Therapist since 1992. She helps clients uncover their what is blocking their life, and gets back on track quickly to live their best life. Sahar launched podcasting in 2004 to reflect her commitment to the personal and spiritual growth of her clients. Her podcasts provide information and inspiration too for their life journey, focusing on self-awareness and personal development. In 1990, Sahar's life changed dramatically overnight, which sent her on a quest to understand and live her best life. On that journey, Sahar endured the loss of her father, brother, beloved husband and, more recently, her mother. She learnt about personal resilience having to restart her life each time, rising like a phoenix from the ashes to find a deeper meaning and renewed purpose. Sahar expresses to listeners that developing a higher, or soul, perspective to our life journey is like entering a maze. Each entry point gives you a different view; and helps you build a deeper holistic perspective of your life. Higher awareness, from a higher perspective, gives us vantage. It helps us to cope with life on daily bases. Sahar hopes that her listeners will become more deeply aware of how our daily lives shape and create our life journey. Understanding how we can release our limitations to realise what we desire in life brings us joy and freedom. She offers complimentary 40-min. Unbox Discovery session when you complete the online assessment. Life can only get better!
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Julia’s journey in publishing started about 20 years ago, and includes working with Element Books, Penguin and Random House. Her track record includes UK no 1 and international bestsellers. She is now an independent Publishing Consultant and Creativity Coach; and author of: , which we will talk about shortly. You said that you are “passionate about the creative process as an expression of life and Truth.” Can you explain further to our listeners what do you mean by that? During my consultation sessions, I almost always make my clients aware that: creative energy, love energy, and money energy are one and the same, and that Creativity, love and money are interrelated. These three channels represent different aspects of the vital energy that we are connected to from birth, and that for a balanced holistic growth, we also need to explore and develop our creativity. Can you please explain to our listeners What is a creative coach? Julia, we first met I attended your workshop, The Writer’s Journey, at the Inner Potential Centre last. It was highly recommended by several of my clients whom I encouraged to attend, and in turn they thought I should go and experience it for myself! I did, and it did help to not only clarify my mind about the book I was going to write, but also to pin point it unique selling point. I found your book an easy, honest, and down right practical guide for those who are serious about getting their work ‘out there’. For our listeners who are not familiar with your book, can you tell us what is it about? And who would use your services? Finally, one thing that life has taught you? Understanding how we can release our limitations and, create what we desire in life is what brings joy and freedom. If you have enjoyed this, please review. www.SaharHuneidi.com
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Monday Jun 08, 2009
Monday Jun 08, 2009
Effect of bees on the countryside life.
Last Sunday we drove across East Sussex, along narrow lanes, which opened up, from time to time, to give panoramic views across the High Weald. The countryside, with all the trees alive with new leaves, was a vivid green, colour so intense that you felt that it would hurt your eyes if it was any brighter. This display was set off by the primroses, bluebells, and other wild flowers in the hedgerows. A perfect English spring day..
ketheric.com , http://psychic.libsyn.com/rss
Sunday Jun 07, 2009
Sunday Jun 07, 2009
Discussing changes that will come about due to Global Credit Crisis, and what will transpire for us as humanity, how we would cope, and what to expect. Also, mentions the new trends and business ideas that are merging because of it (first released in 2009).
ketehric.com, SaharHuneidi.com
Sunday Jun 07, 2009
Sunday Jun 07, 2009
Sahar Huneidi talks about changes facing planet Earth, the astrological start of the Age Of Aquarius, and James Lovelock's latest book, and final word, tntitled The Vanishing Face of Gaia in her Feb 09 Newsletter.
podcasts by Ketheric Ltd. www.ketheric.com, www.PS-Magazine.com
Thursday Jan 15, 2009