Unbox The Podcast: Live Your best Life with Sahar

Sahar is a Personal Mentor & Life Path Guide, author, Life Coach columnist, & Holistic Therapist since 1992. She helps clients uncover their what is blocking their life, and gets back on track quickly to live their best life. Sahar launched podcasting in 2004 to reflect her commitment to the personal and spiritual growth of her clients. Her podcasts provide information and inspiration too for their life journey, focusing on self-awareness and personal development. In 1990, Sahar's life changed dramatically overnight, which sent her on a quest to understand and live her best life. On that journey, Sahar endured the loss of her father, brother, beloved husband and, more recently, her mother. She learnt about personal resilience having to restart her life each time, rising like a phoenix from the ashes to find a deeper meaning and renewed purpose. Sahar expresses to listeners that developing a higher, or soul, perspective to our life journey is like entering a maze. Each entry point gives you a different view; and helps you build a deeper holistic perspective of your life. Higher awareness, from a higher perspective, gives us vantage. It helps us to cope with life on daily bases. Sahar hopes that her listeners will become more deeply aware of how our daily lives shape and create our life journey. Understanding how we can release our limitations to realise what we desire in life brings us joy and freedom. She offers complimentary 40-min. Unbox Discovery session when you complete the online assessment. Life can only get better!

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Friday Nov 07, 2014

Friday Nov 07, 2014

It's my pleasure to interview a modern day shaman, Kris Deva North, who is the founder of The Healing Tao, and The school for shiatsu in the United Kingdom. Kris's own journey into spirituality is a very interesting one. Two decades after leaving the army, Kris is now a teacher and an author. He has published numerous articles; he is writing a new book and has made several appearances on British television including “Extreme Celebrity Detox” on Channel 4. His first, Taoist Meditation: Ancient Secrets for Modern Living CD is an excellent CD which is very well produced and includes wonderful music. In this interview, we discuss various topics, ranging from gratitude, sex, meditation and spiritual awareness in everyday life.

Thursday Nov 06, 2014

In this interview with Sahar Dawn talks about the process of Soul Retrieval and how it can literally make you whole again. Dawn Paul is a Shaman of the Inca Lineage. She has spent time with the Q'ero of Peru and has learned ancient healing methods from them which have quick and permanent effects (equivalent to seven years of psychotherapy). She allows the lineage of the Inca to literally work through her. In this interview with Sahar Dawn talks about her journey into healing, how she became a shaman. In this interview with Sahar Dawn talks about the process of Soul Retrieval and how it can literally make you whole again. Her Website is www.liberate-online.co.uk.
Ketheric.com, SaharHuneidi.com

Q'ero Shaman Dawn Paul- 1

Wednesday Nov 05, 2014

Wednesday Nov 05, 2014

Dawn Paul is a Shaman of the Inca Lineage. She has spent time with the Q'ero of Peru and has learned ancient healing methods from them which have quick and permanent effects (equivalent to seven years of psychotherapy). She allows the lineage of the Inca to literally work through her. In this interview with Sahar Dawn talks about her journey into healing, how she became a shaman. Her Website is .


Monday Nov 03, 2014

Monday Nov 03, 2014

Podcast with Azima Melita Kolin, a truly remarkable woman. Her life journey and connection to Sufism and Rumi Poetry, painting and classical music.
Azima Melita Kolin was born in Sofia, the capitol of Bulgaria. She began her studies at the Musical Academy in Sofia, graduated at the Academia ‘Santa Cecilia’ in Rome, and received a prize for virtuosity with distinction at Geneva Conservatory. After winning prizes at the international competitions in Leipzig, Barcelona and Toarmina, she has given many recitals in Europe. She directed and ran a Chamber Music Festival for ten years in Dunvegan, Isle of Skye.In 1997 inspired by the 13th century Persian mystical poet Jelaludin Rumi, Azima began a series of concert/readings, combining Rumi's poems with classical music by Bach, Beethoven, Scriabin and Brahms. In a joint effort with readers of various nationalitiesshe has given hundred concerts in England, Scotland, Germany and Spain. In November 2001 in collaboration with Persian artists they performed in Queen Elisabeth Hall in London.The group Lovers of Rumi was created with the aim to create a new form in which poetry and music are woven into a tapestry uniting different cultures through the beauty and wisdom of Rumi's words. His message of love and union is vitally important in our times. In collaboration with Maryam Mafi in the last five years, Azima has published three books of Rumi’s poetry: Whispers of the Beloved, Hidden Music and Gardens of the Beloved (published by Harper Collins/Thorsons).
www.Ketheric.com, www.SaharHuneidi.com

Sunday Nov 02, 2014



Sunday Nov 02, 2014

Sunday Nov 02, 2014

As a new time cycle dawns and in spite of any problems and constraints you may have, while you are rushing to ‘fix’ your life try, in a truly quantum manner, to focus on one thing that impassions you. Make a commitment to opening up to something new, and see where it leads you. Don’t wait to find out ‘what you want to be when you grow up’. Do you have a book to be written? A song, a poem, a design, a latent talent or ability? That would be your calling- the mountain you feel you must climb just “because it is there”.In reality, it is much easier than what you might believe, as a wise friend of mine once put to me during a trans-reading ‘drop all the balls, see which one bounces back’! You may very well find that suddenly, life starts to make sense and that you are able to focus on one reality- your truth!
Ketheric.com, SaharHuneidi.com

Saturday Nov 01, 2014

"Remember remember, the 5th of November…Gunpowder, treason and plot.I see no reason why gunpowder, treasonShould ever be forgot... " In few days, we will be celebrating Guy Fawkes Day in Britain, which is marked by bonfires and firework parties around the country, as 400 years ago a terrorist of the day, unsuccessfully tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament; his figure still burns on the bonfires today....
From the outset, the PS Websites have been about providing FREE quality information, a resource for spiritual growth, inspiration and self development. When planning the development of the Sites I wanted to provide a world-class Portal for spiritual matters, something I felt was sorely needed. Over the next few years, as more and more people seek to inform themselves about these matters, I plan to further develop and continue to provide services to an ever-growing audience.


Saturday Nov 01, 2014

Saturday Nov 01, 2014

Spirituality and food- Soul Food!
Whenever my time allows, what I love watch ing on T.V. are mostly cookery programmes. If you see the eclectic collection of cookery books on my shelf, from Elizabeth David, Jane Grigson, Eating For Beauty, by David Wolfe, to Claudia Roden’s Arabesque, you’d be a fool to think that I am an avid cook! But when my friend saw the newly released book, Sufi Cuisine by Nevin Halici, at the local public library, he knew that I would love it. In the foreword of the book, Claudia Roden writes: “it is a cultural history, a book of poetry, a culinary memoir and a collection of recipes. It also gives rare insight into the spiritual wisdom and philosophy that Rumi expressed through ecstatic love poetry seeking to unite humanity in love, respect and brotherhood”. In it, the author also describes how a Sufi’s initiation begins in the kitchen.As I go through ‘mine’, I must confess that although I am keen recipe collector, I never seem to stick to any, and I certainly never remember a favourite one. Why do I do it? Simply because it inspired me! Inspiration takes out the ‘o’ out of any culinary chore. At those moments, which are becoming more frequent, when I venture into the kitchen; the one recipe for culinary success I remember each time is an old prayer to the three cookery saints my mother always uses. No matter what the recipe requires, or whatever my intention is to make it, the result is always satisfying.
ketheric Ltd. Podcasts, www.ketheric.com, PS-Magazine.com


Saturday Nov 01, 2014

Saturday Nov 01, 2014

newsletter on the importance and wide spread of podcasting.
It seems that university students in the United States are going less to lecture halls, preferring to download lectures' video podcasts directly to their iPods! So much so, that iTunes has released a special free version catering to university students called iTunes U. The article warns that even the most captivating university lecturers, will loose their audience if they do not keep up with technology! Has free and accessible higher education started?
Increasingly, we live in an age of information. Increasingly, we live in an age where time is a precious commodity. Increasingly, tailor made information, without spam or interruption, is becoming more valuable.Information provides knowledge. With knowledge comes wisdom. With wisdom consciousness (we) evolve.
Podcasts by ketheric Ltd.
please visit www.ketehric.com, www.PS-Magazine.com.

Wednesday Oct 29, 2014

The Evil That is Sugar- US naturopath, karen Clickner, gives holistic insights into how sugar intake affect well-being of the physical body and the symptoms it manifests. She talks about hidden sugar as we unknowling get 50x the amount we need. www.TheHerbalAdvisor.com

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